K) Questions and answers


1. What are the initial steps to apply for enrollment as a special student in PPGEnf?

Graduates of PPG from UFPI or another institution must apply for enrollment as a special student via email (ppgenf@ufpi.edu.br), at least 30 days before enrolling in the program, by sending: 1. Completed application form (available on the Program website); 2. Letter to the PPGEnf Board (available on the Program website) requesting enrollment as a special student in a specific subject; 3. Updated academic transcript. The application will be forwarded to the professor coordinating the subject, and after approval, it will be reviewed and approved by the PPGEnf Board.


2. How do I request a Qualification or Defense Panel?

The request must be submitted electronically (sent to the following email address: protocologeral@ufpi.edu.br, with the necessary documents in a single PDF file).

Required documentation:

- Application form for a review committee (available on the Program website);

- Dissertation or Thesis file (including abstract and keywords);

- Proof of submission/acceptance/publication of an article (Qualis A for the doctorate and up to B1 for the master's degree).

(The review committee request process must be submitted 30 days before the review committee is held).


3. How do I request the transfer of courses and/or credits?

The request must be submitted electronically (sent to the following email address: protocologeral@ufpi.edu.br, with the necessary documents in a single PDF file).

Required documentation:

*For students whose Master's degree was obtained through PPGEnf/UFPI:

- Letter to the Program Coordination (available on the Program website);

- Master's degree transcript.

*For students whose Master's degree was not obtained through PPGEnf/UFPI:

- Letter to the Program Coordination (available on the Program website);

- Master's degree transcript;

- Course plans for the subjects taken.

Request to use credits for subjects taken in another PPG during the current course (master's or doctorate) at PPGEnf:

- Letter to the Program Coordination (available on the Program website);

- Declaration of completion and approval of the subject taken.

(In the case of subjects taken in another PPG at UFPI, the request for exemption is not necessary, since the subject will automatically be included in the SIGAA transcript).


4. How to request co-supervision for a Master's or Doctorate?

The request must be submitted electronically (sent to the email: protocologeral@ufpi.edu.br, with the necessary documents in a single PDF file).

Required documentation:

- Letter requesting co-supervision (available on the Program website).


5. Other requests.

The request must be submitted electronically (sent to the email: protocologeral@ufpi.edu.br, with the necessary documents in a single PDF file).

Required documentation:

- Letter to the Program Board (available on the Program website);

- Supporting documents, if necessary.


6. When will the next PPGEnf selection notice be released?

The PPGEnf selection notice follows the UFPI Graduate Program calendar, and is usually released in the second semester. The UFPI calendar is available at http://www.ufpi.br


7. What are the institutional enrollment dates?

The dates follow UFPI's annual Graduate Program calendar.


8. What documents are required for Institutional Enrollment?


For students with a diploma or certificate of completion of an undergraduate degree:

· Institutional Enrollment Application (available on the Program website);

· Proficiency Certificate (in one language);

· Copy of the Undergraduate Degree Diploma;

· Copy of the Academic Transcript;

· Copy of the Identity Card (RG);

· Copy of the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF);

· Certificate of discharge from Military Service (only for males);

· Copy of Proof of Residence;

· 01 3X4 Photo;

· Declaration of Knowledge – Resolution No. 189/07 – CEPEX (available on the Program website);

· Declaration of release from the institution where you work of at least 20 hours per week in the afternoon shift, during the course period or declaration of personal commitment in the case of not having an employment relationship (available on the Program website).


For Graduates:

· Institutional Enrollment Request for Graduates (available on the Program website);

· Proficiency Certificate (in one language);

· Copy of Academic Transcript;

· Copy of Identity Card (RG);

· Copy of the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF);

· Certificate of discharge from Military Service (only for males);

· Copy of Proof of Residence;

· 01 3x4 Photo;

· Declaration of Knowledge – Resolution No. 189/07 – CEPEX (available on the Program website);

· Declaration of Knowledge – Resolution No. 022/14 – CEPEX (available on the Program website);

· Declaration of release from the institution where the employee works of at least 20 hours per week in the afternoon shift, during the course period or declaration of personal commitment in the case of not having an employment relationship. (available on the Program website).



For students with a diploma or certificate of completion of a master's degree:

· Institutional Enrollment Request Form (available on the Program website);

· Proficiency Certificate (in two languages);

· Copy of Undergraduate Diploma;

· Copy of Undergraduate Academic Transcript;

· Copy of Master's Degree Diploma;

· Copy of Master's Degree Academic Transcript;

· Copy of Identity Card (RG);

· Copy of Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF);

· Certificate of discharge from military service (males only);

· Copy of Proof of Residence;

· 01 3x4 Photo;

· Declaration of Knowledge – Resolution No. 189/07 – CEPEX (available on the Program website);

· Declaration of release from the institution where the student works of at least 20 hours per week in the afternoon shift, during the duration of the course or declaration of personal commitment in the case of not having an employment relationship (available on the Program website).


For Graduates:

· Institutional Enrollment Request for Graduates (available on the Program website);

· Proficiency Certificate (in two languages);

· Copy of Undergraduate Diploma;

· Copy of Undergraduate Academic Transcript;

· Copy of Master's Academic Transcript;

· Copy of Identity Card (RG);

· Copy of Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF);

· Certificate of discharge from military service (only for males);

· Copy of Proof of Residence;

· 01 3x4 Photo;

· Declaration of Knowledge – Resolution No. 189/07 – CEPEX (available on the Program website);

· Declaration of Knowledge – Resolution No. 022/14 – CEPEX (available on the Program website);

· Declaration of release from the institution where the student works of at least 20 hours per week in the afternoon shift, during the course period or declaration of personal commitment in the case of no employment relationship (available on the Program website).


9. What are the dates for curricular enrollment?

The dates follow UFPI's annual calendar for Postgraduate Studies.

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