D) Professorship Position and Contract Termination

Under Article 38 of the Internal Regulations of the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Federal University of Piauí, the offer of professor positions to compose the Program's faculty will be through Notices issued every 36 months.



The minimum requirements for applying for a professor position to the Master's Degree Program are as follow:

- A Doctoral Degree at minimum;

- To complete in the last 36 (thirty-six) months of the request a minimum of 300 points in scientific publications in Qualis A and/or B1 indexed journals;

- To present a research project, registered with the Dean of Research of the Federal University of Piauí in one of the Program's Lines of Research.


The standard criteria for applying for a professor position to the Doctoral Program:

- Minimum title of Doctor;

- To have taken to the defense panel, in the evaluated triennium, at least one Master's student;

- To integrate a minimum of 300 points in scientific publications in Qualis A and/or B1 indexed journals in the evaluated triennium;

- To present a research project, registered with the Dean of Research of the Federal University of Piauí in one of the Program’s Lines of Research.


Contract Termination with the Graduate Program in Nursing can be done, at any time, at the request of the Professor or at the request of the Coordination, with a duly justification that must be approved and ratified by the Collegiate in the following situations:


I - When the professor does not accomplish scientific and technical production, within 36 months as a professor in the Program, the minimum score in Nursing, according to art. 38 of the Program's Internal Regulations;

II - Professor whose behavior violates ethical conduct that is not compatible with the Program's Internal Regulations and institutional policies;

III - Professor who does not fulfill the functions inherent to the academic activities of the Program.

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