B) Programs



The Nursing Doctoral Degree consists of 19 courses corresponding to 55 credits in total. The program requirements for students with a Master’s Degree include a completion of 48 credits in minimum: 14 are required, 06 are electives, 12 correspond to the doctoral dissertation defense, and a maximum of 16 may be accepted from courses offered in the Master’s Degree in the Nursing Graduate Program at UFPI in the last 10 years. After enrolling at the Doctoral Program, transferable credits review to meet degree requirements may be requested to the Nursing Graduate Program Council by submitting a form through UFPI General Protocol.


At least 18 (eighteen) credits out of 55 have to be completed in courses offered in the Doctorate Program, according to Resolution No. 189/07-CEPEX, Art. 2. Students whose Master’s Degree has not been earned from the Nursing Graduate Program at UFPI have to complete a minimum of 48 credits: 14 of which are required, 22 are electives, and 12 correspond to doctoral dissertation defense. A maximum of 16 credits of elective courses can be transferred from compatible courses taken at other master’s degree programs in the last 10 years.  These courses have to meet the current Nursing Graduate Program curriculum policies. The Doctorate Degree courses are offered throughout 06 (six) regular academic semesters demanding specific productions in each period.


In the 1st semester, 02 required courses have to be completed:


1. Health Policies and the Organizational Aspects of SUS - 60h (04 credits)

2. Epistemological and Philosophical Bases of Health and Nursing Sciences  - 60h (04 credits)


In the 2nd semester, there is 01 required course:


1.    Didactic-Pedagogical Foundations for Researcher-Teacher Training - 45 hours (3 credits)


In the 3rd semester, there are01 elective and 01 required course:


1.    Knowledge Production Workshop on Health and Nursing (required) - 45h (3 credits)



In the 4th and 5th semesters – students may take elective courses by their choice.


In the 6th semester, students are supervised by professors to defend their doctoral dissertation.



Note: the Program also includes the Teaching Practicum for CAPES scholarship holders and volunteers – 120h (08 credits)


Required courses in the Nursing Doctoral Degree at the PPGEnf/CCS/UFPI:


1.    Epistemological and Philosophical Bases of Health and Nursing sciences  - 60h (04 credits)

2.    Health Policies and the Organizational Aspects of SUS - 60h (04 credits

3.    Knowledge Production Workshop on Health and Nursing - 45 hours (03 credits)

4.    Didactic-Pedagogical Foundations for Researcher-Teacher Training - 45h (03 credits)


Elective courses in the Nursing Doctoral Degree at the PPGEnf/CCS/UFPI:


1.    Quantitative Methods I - 45h (03 credits)

2.    Health and Nursing Technologies - 45h (03 credits)

3.    Quantitative Methods II - 45h (03 credits)

4.    Qualitative Methods Critical Analysis - 45h (03 credits)

5.    Management and Health Policies - 45h (03 credits)

6.    Nursing Care: Theoretical Philosophical Foundations - 45h (03 credits)

7.    History and Nursing Social Practices - 45h (03 credits)

8.    Infections Prevention and Control in Health Services - 45h (03 credits)

9.    Women's Health in the Brazilian Social Context - 45h (03 credits)

10. Multidimensionality of Aging - 30h (02 credits)

11. Nursing, Health, and Society - 45h (03 credits)

12. Stomal Therapy Nursing - 45h (03 credits)

13. Violence and Drugs in Social, Political, and Health Context - 30h (02 credits)

14. Research Topics I - 30h (02 credits)

15. Research Topics II - 30h (02 credits)



Doctoral Dissertation and Teaching Practicum-related activities:

1.    Doctoral Dissertation Defense - 180h (12 credits)

2.    Teaching Practicum for CAPES Scholarship Holders and Volunteers - 120h (08 credits)




The Nursing Master's Degree consists of 18 courses corresponding to 52 credits in total. A minimum of 30 credits has to be completed: 18 refer to required courses, 06 correspond to electives, and 06 refer to the Thesis Defense. At least 12 (twelve) credits have to be completed in courses offered in the Program, according to Resolution No. 189/07-CEPEX, Art. 2. The required courses aim at providing the learners with theoretical and philosophical bases of political thinking and knowledge production necessary to meet the students’ educational needs. The elective courses have the purpose of deepening theme discussions related to the fields of study of master’s and doctoral students. The Master’s Degree courses are offered throughout 04 (four) regular academic semesters demanding specific productions in each period.


In the 1st Semester, 03 required courses and 01 elective have to be completed:


1.    Nursing in Health and Society (required) – 45h (03 credits)

2.    Nursing Care: Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations (required) -- 45h (03 credits)

3.    Research Methodology (required) – 45h (03 credits)

4.    01 Elective course - 01 (03 or 02 credits)



In the 2nd semester, 02 required courses and 01 elective have to be completed:


1.    Thesis Seminar (required) – 45h (3 credits)

2.    Nursing Didactics (required) – 45h (3 credits

3.    01 Elective course - 01 (03 or 02 credits)



In the 3rd Semester, 01 required course and 01 elective have to be completed:


1.    Thesis Writing Workshop (required) -- 45h (3 credits)

2.    01 Elective course - 01 (03 or 02 credits)



In the 4th semester, the Thesis Defense Course has to be completed – 90h (06 credits)


Note: The Master’s Degree also includes the Teaching Practicum for CAPES scholarship holders and volunteers – 60h (04 credits)


Required courses in the Master’s Degree:


1.    Nursing in Health and Society – 45 hours (03 credits)

2.    Nursing Care: Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations – 45 hours (03 credits)

3.    Research Methodology – 45h (03 credits)

4.    Thesis Seminar – 45h (03 credits)

5.    Thesis Writing Workshop - 45h (03 credits)

6.    Nursing Didactics – 45 hours (03 credits)



Elective courses in the Master’s degree:


1.    Management and Health Policies - 45h (03 credits)

2.    History and Social Practices of Nursing - 45 hours (03 credits)

3.    Health Epidemiology - 45h (03 credits)

4.    Quantitative Methods I - 45h (03 credits)

5.    Quantitative Methods II - 45h (03 credits)

6.    Hospital Infections Prevention and Control - 45h (03 credits)

7.    Holistic Practices and Quality of Life - 45h (03 credits)

8.    Health and Nursing Technologies - 45h (03 credits)

9.    Women's Health in the Brazilian Social Context - 45h (03 credits)

10. Violence and Drugs in Social, Political, and Health Context - 30h (02 credits)

11. Multidimensionality of Aging - 30h (02 credits)

12. Stomal Therapy Nursing - 45h (03 credits)



Thesis Writing and Teaching Practicum related activities:


1.    Thesis Defense Course - 90h (06 credits)

2.    Teaching Practicum for CAPES Scholarship Holders and Volunteers - 60h (04 credits)


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