

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA: 31/03/2023
HORA: 14:00
TÍTULO: Resistance Narratives to Promote Re-Existence Literacies: A Critical Pedagogy Practice from Digital Environments
PALAVRAS-CHAVES: resistance narratives; re-existence literacy; critical pedagogy; decoloniality.
GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Lingüística

Cultural hegemony has established colonial narratives that exclude or infer the people and social groups not framed in these parameters. It eliminates and attacks everything, not by this social dynamic (QUIJANO, 2000). These practices produce violence, exclusion, and "non-existence" (DE SOUSA SANTOS AND MENESES, 2014). This phenomenon creates gaps of inequality and injustice for those who are considered "the others" (BÁEZ & DOMÍNGUEZ, 2020). Based on these issues, this study focuses its research object on the development of resistance narratives, as critical pedagogical practices, for the promotion of re-existence literacy. Six questions guide this study. The general question: How do the construction, sharing, and negotiation of resistance narratives, as a critical pedagogy practice, from digital scenarios, promote re-existence literacies to pre-service English teachers from Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) - Brazil and Universidad Católica Luis Amigó - Medellín - Colombia? The guiding questions: What interpretations, negotiations, and constructions have the preservice English teachers made of their world? What is the relationship among critical pedagogy, resistance narratives, and re-existence literacies? What influence has literacy as a social practice had on the development of the re-existence literacies? What is the scope of digital media to create resistance narratives and promote the re-existence literacies in pre-service English teachers? What differences and similarities do Colombian and Brazilian participants face during the construction, sharing, and negotiation of resistance narratives as a critical pedagogy practice to promote the re-existence literacies? Based on these questions, the objectives were elaborated. The general objective: to analyze how the construction, sharing, and negotiation of resistance narratives, as a critical pedagogy practice, from digital scenarios, promote re-existence literacies to pre-service English teachers from Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) - Brazil and Universidad Católica Luis Amigó - Medellín - Colombia. And the specific objectives: Identify the interpretations, negotiations, and constructions that preservice English teachers have made about their context and their reality; to understand the relationship among critical pedagogy, resistance narratives, and re-existence literacies; to recognize the influence of literacy as a social practice in the development of re-existence literacies in physical and digital environments; to recognize the scope of a digital media project to create resistance narratives and promote re-existence literacies in pre-service English teachers; to compare Colombian and Brazilian pre-service English teachers at constructing, sharing, and negotiating resistance narratives from digital scenarios to promote re-existence literacies. This theoretical chapter is divided into two moments. 1) Theoretical assumptions; 2) Literature, theory, and support. Within the theoretical assumptions, it is argued that: a) Being and Identity are always processes of where we come from. There is no endpoint, only constant becoming (BUCKINGHAM, 2008; BAUMAN, 2004). b) Educating from a Critical pedagogy sense is essential to build a just and equitable society (FREIRE, 1970; GIROUX, 1990; MCLAREN, 2005), and c) Literacies are always socio-cultural. It's always something that's occurring in a context negotiated by people (FREIRE & MACEDO, 2005; STREET, 2000). In the second section, there is a historical journey on the foundations of critical theory and its influence on the conception of critical pedagogy (HORKHEIMER & ADORNO, 1972; FREIRE, 1985; GRAMSCI, 1999; HABERMAS, 1981, 2015). After this conception, the studio presents the theoretical foundation for understanding the creation of resistance narratives as critical pedagogical practices (APPLE, 1990; GIROUX, 2004; MCLAREN & KINCHELOE, 2007). Later, it is shown how resistance is a fundamental element for the emergence of re-existence (ALBÁN ACHINTE, 2008, 2017; FOUCAULT, 1999; GIROUX, 1983; SILVA-SOUZA, 2011; WALSH, 2009). Finally, the study shows the theoretical foundations for the conception and understanding of literacies, among them the re-existence literacies, as useful social practices for reading the world and the word (FREIRE, MACEDO, 2005; KLEIMAN & SITO, 2016; LANKSHEAR & KNOBEL, 2003; SILVA – SOUZA, 2009, 2011; STREET, 2000). This study is based on the principles of the historical-hermeneutic and socio-critical paradigm. It is an Online Qualitative Research (OQR), and it uses action research as the method that helped to build an online media project for the construction of resistance narratives. This research involves 20 preservice English teachers from the English Letter program of Universidade Federal do Piauí (Teresina, Brazil) and students from the Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages with an Emphasis in English from Universidad Católica Luis Amigó (Medellín, Colombia). This study becomes a space for reflection, construction, emancipation, and transformation. This is an opportunity to use the school, from the pillars of critical pedagogy, for the development of re-existence narratives in search of a more just and equitable world.

Presidente - 1631589 - BEATRIZ GAMA RODRIGUES
Interno - 1790769 - MARAISA LOPES
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/03/2023 09:49
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