

Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA: 30/11/2021
HORA: 10:30
LOCAL: Videoconferência
TÍTULO: interculturality and critical literacy: conscientização in narratives throughout a teacher education program
PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Critical Literacies, Decoloniality, Narrative Research.
GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Lingüística

In a world dramatically branded by globalization, reading, and interpreting it is an act that inevitably brings power and coloniality relations, as an intrinsic interaction between cultures. The process of actively dealing with these relations demands critical thought about the deconstruction of features that seem universal to Western cultures. This way, Freire (1997, 2001) begins to associate the educational process and this colonial version disguised in neoliberal concepts, a phenomenon that the scholar named banking concept education, inasmuch ways to disrupt and escape this system through liberty that must be linked to education, democracy, and freedom, that is, conscientização. In that context, this research focuses on a project proposal made by the Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) addressing a series of actions to help enhancing professional development of English teachers. These actions compose a training program for in-service teachers that aims at developing linguistic competence, cultural aspects, and professional skills; the participants are English teachers from public and private schools in Piauí and Maranhão, Brazil. This way, this research’s main objective is to understand interculturality and conscientização critically projected over this language teacher-training program. For that, the theoretical basis to underlie this study are decolonial and interculturality theories (Quijano, 2000; Walsh, 2010; Pennycook, 2016), theories about critical pedagogies and critical literacies (Freire, 1987, 2001; Rajagopalan, 2006; Monte Mór 2007,2013), and theories about narrative studies (Connelly e Clandinin, 1990; Barcelos, 2006; CADILHE, 2020). Therefore, the methodological background is mainly related to narrative research (Larsen- Freeman, 1998; Mello, 2020) to consider its importance as a tool to analyze experiences in qualitative studies of interpretive nature that highlight critical and ethical research aspects (Celani, 2005). Considering all that, the research participants will be divided in two groups, one of them is the focus group made up by teachers in development, and the other is the one composed by the group of professors that coordinate the program, those are co-participants. About the research instruments that will be used to collect and analyze data, they will be questionnaires, interviews, the recorded classes, and the researchers’ field notes. Finally, by the end of this study, it is expected that the research participants include this critical repertoire to their classes as a component to social transformation, as well as a broadening of perspectives to Critical Applied Linguistics.


Presidente - 1631589 - BEATRIZ GAMA RODRIGUES
Interno - 1790769 - MARAISA LOPES
Externo à Instituição - WALKYRIA MARIA MONTE MÓR - USP
Notícia cadastrada em: 04/07/2022 15:04
SIGAA | Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação - STI/UFPI - (86) 3215-1124 | © UFRN | 05/10/2024 07:18