The Postgraduate Program in Dentistry began its activities in 2011, it works at Masters level, with a concentration area in Dental Clinic and research lines in Health Situation Analysis in Dentistry, Material Studies and Dental Techniques and Basic and Biotechnology Applied to Dentistry. The program aims to train masters in dentistry, qualified with the technical-scientific ability to generate new knowledge and to act in the field of teaching, research and provide conditions for interdisciplinary work in areas of common interest. In addition, it develops cooperation activities with other institutions in the country, aiming to qualify its faculty and students and implement lines of research according to the reality of that institution and region. Admission to the Program takes place through a selection contest of candidates holding an upper-level diploma in Dentistry annually. The faculty is formed by professors with qualification in the area of ​​guidance and experience in teaching and research.        The program received concept 3 by CAPES, being an initial concept for the implementation of a master's level program. Constant efforts are made to improve this concept in the next CAPES evaluation.

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