PPGCC009 - TRABALHO INDIVIDUAL - Turma: 10 (2017.2)
Estudo do trabalho: Energy-efficient and Low Blocking Probability Differentiated Quality of Protection Scheme for Dynamic Elastic Optical Networks
Estudo do trabalho Energy Consumption Improvement based on Distance Adaptive Modulation in Elastic Optical Network
Estudo do trabalho: Study and Analysis of Routing and Spectrum Allocation (RSA) and Routing, Modulation and Spectrum Allocation (RMSA) Algorithms in Elastic Optical Networks (EONs)
Estudo do trabalho: Resource Allocation in Elastic Optical Networks with Physical-Layer Impairments
Estudo dotrabalho Routing, modulation level and spectrum allocation with dynamic modulation level conversion in elastic optical networks
Estudo do trabalho Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Elastic Optical Networks using Convex Optimization
Estudo do trabalho An efficient ia-rmlsa algorithm for transparent elastic optical networks
Estudo do trabalho Adaptive routing and spectrum allocation in elastic optical networks
Estudo do trabalho Energy-Efficient routing and bandwidth allocation in OFDM-based optical networks
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